Quality and Environmental Policy

The Raymond Corporation Quality Policy

Our business is to anticipate customer needs and deliver efficient material handling solutions.

All levels of management within The Raymond Corporation are committed to implementing an effective quality management system and strive for continuous improvement in our products and services.

With the support of our Solutions and Support Center network and supplier base, we provide our customers with cost-effective products and services, for trouble-free material handling operations worldwide.

Quality objectives are established and periodically reviewed to provide dedicated employees using state-of-the-art technologies the ability to secure cost-efficiency and shareholder growth.

In support of this mission, it is every employee's responsibility to assure products and services are free of all defects and "right from the first day". Quality is the foundation of everything we do at Raymond and is designed and built into our products, services and processes. We offer superior value through effective and efficient materials handling solutions, emphasizing the use of appropriate technology, ergonomic design, innovation, productivity, reliability and maintainability. We support an intelligently managed, financially sound, progressive business organization that practices high ethical standards in all its relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and the community.

View ISO Certificate of Registration 14001:2015 >


For further information regarding the scope of the ISO 14001 Certification, please refer to the Contact Us section for Corporate Headquarters contact information.

Environmental Policy

Raymond recognizes its responsibility to be a good steward of the environment and contribute to a more sustainable planet. Across our organization, we work to minimize our direct and indirect impacts on the environment. This commitment is integral to our corporate culture and business strategy.

Our environmental policy objectives include:

  • Comply with applicable environmental compliance obligations
  • Implement and maintain an environmental management system to continually improve and enhance environmental performance
  • Review processes and procedures to reduce consumption of natural resources, reduce pollution, and minimize potential environmental impacts
  • Increase energy efficiency to positively impact carbon footprint
  • Provide a safe and healthy workplace
  • Be an environmentally responsible neighbor in the communities where we operate
  • Engage suppliers, partners, customers, employees, and other stakeholders to promote our environmental objectives
  • Incorporate environmental considerations into the design process for the lifecycle of our products

This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as appropriate to address legal and other considerations. ALL EMPLOYEES AND CONTRACTORS ON Raymond premises are expected to follow this policy. The environmental policy is maintained as documented information, and is communicated within the organization, and is available to interested parties.