Raymond Encourages Careers in Manufacturing with Youth Apprenticeship Program

The Youth Apprenticeship Program has been a part of The Raymond Corporation’s commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and encouraging young talent to explore career paths in manufacturing. The program provides a hands-on, experiential approach to learning for junior and senior high school students.
GREENE, N.Y., May 18, 2018 — For over 25 years, the Youth Apprenticeship Program has been a part of The Raymond Corporation’s commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and encouraging young talent to explore career paths in manufacturing. Coordinated through the Broome-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), the program provides a hands-on, experiential approach to learning for junior and senior high school students.
On May 17, 2018, Raymond recognized three high school seniors from Greene High School who spent two years contributing to the Youth Apprenticeship Program at its headquarters in Greene, N.Y. The apprenticeship program at Raymond allowed the students to experience what careers are available in the material handling industry. The student apprentices — Coy Austin, Gray Reid, and Dominic Williams — showcased the projects they participated in and any outcomes they achieved. They also discussed their new skills acquired as a result of the program, highlighting increased knowledge of corporate logistics, lean manufacturing, IT, and engineering.
“As the manufacturing skills gap widens, we hope this apprenticeship helped the students see the breadth of career paths available in this profession and gain the skill sets necessary to succeed in the future,” said Heidi Foster, coordinator of the Youth Apprenticeship Program, Raymond. “With today’s e-commerce pressures to meet faster supply chain response times, finding skilled labor will be critical to keeping companies competitive.”
Raymond will welcome six new apprentices to the program in September 2018:
Greene Central School, New York:
Ashley Kenyon, Rising Senior
Daniel Kovalev, Rising Senior
Nathaniel Erickson, Rising Junior
Jarod Likens, Rising Junior
Maine-Endwell School District, New York:
Danielle Edwards, Rising Senior
Chenango Valley School District, New York:
Eric Brom, Rising Senior
For more information on the Youth Apprenticeship Program, visit www.btboces.org/YAP.aspx or call 607-763-3254.
For more information on Raymond, visit www.raymondcorp.com or call 800-235-7200.
About The Raymond Corporation
For more than 95 years, The Raymond Corporation has built a reputation on innovation, quality and service. Raymond® manual and electric forklifts meet a variety of material handling needs and offer advanced end-to-end warehouse solutions that enable operations to run better and manage smarter. This philosophy helps ensure Raymond and its customers are always evolving, always running, always moving ahead — and always on. The portfolio of advanced offerings includes the iWAREHOUSE® fleet management and warehouse optimization system; automated lift truck solutions for the warehouse of the future; and the Raymond Virtual Reality Simulator, a supplemental instructional tool that helps customers improve their operations and meet industry labor demands. Raymond also provides industry-leading customer support through a network of skilled technicians and its authorized Solutions and Support Centers. Raymond’s work in energy savings, space utilization, ergonomics, manufacturing quality and fleet optimization — combined with best-in-class products and services — work together to increase efficiency and lower costs throughout material handling operations.
iWAREHOUSE® and Raymond® are U.S. trademarks of The Raymond Corporation.
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