Raymond Acquires Raymond Handling Concepts Corp; Steve Raymond Retires as RHCC President

The Raymond Corporation has acquired Raymond Handling Concepts Corporation (RHCC), an authorized Raymond Sales & Service Center.
GREENE, N.Y., July 16, 2018 — The Raymond Corporation has acquired Raymond Handling Concepts Corporation (RHCC), an authorized Raymond Sales & Service Center.
Since 1987, RHCC has been an authorized Raymond Sales & Service Center providing world-class Raymond® forklifts, solutions and leading material handling expertise to Alaska, Idaho, western Montana, Northern California, northern Nevada, Oregon and Washington. RHCC has been a trusted dealer of high-density storage, order picking systems, integrated systems and storage solutions to warehouse and distribution facilities — maximizing their productivity and increasing their efficiency.
“Raymond’s acquisition of Raymond Handling Concepts Corporation will strengthen our company’s position and leverage RHCC’s ability to serve customers in the northwestern United States,” said Steve VanNostrand, executive vice president of administration, Raymond. “We look forward to working with RHCC’s associates, customers and suppliers and continuing to leverage RHCC’s core values and culture, which so closely align with Raymond.”
The acquisition coincides with the retirement of RHCC President Steve Raymond. Steve, who spent his 42-year career with Raymond in a variety of capacities, is the grandson of The Raymond Corporation founder, George Raymond Sr. Steve Raymond spent the last 31 years as president of RHCC in the San Francisco Bay Area.
“I had the unbelievably good fortune to have been born into this business. In 1976, I chose to take a temporary summer job at Raymond in Greene, New York, while I was a graduate student. As they say, things worked out and that job ultimately worked its way into a 42-year career,” said Steve Raymond, retiring president, RHCC. “As you might imagine, it is hard for me to leave this job and all of the people who I have worked with so closely, for so long. I am grateful to our customers, associates and suppliers — with their dedication and loyalty, my grandfather’s legacy is in good hands for generations to come.”
The leadership teams at both companies are committed to providing a seamless transition to RHCC’s team members, customers and suppliers.
About The Raymond Corporation
For more than 95 years, The Raymond Corporation has built a reputation on innovation, quality and service. Raymond® manual and electric forklifts meet a variety of material handling needs and offer advanced end-to-end warehouse solutions that enable operations to run better and manage smarter. This philosophy helps ensure Raymond and its customers are always evolving, always running, always moving ahead — and always on. The portfolio of advanced offerings includes the iWAREHOUSE® fleet management and warehouse optimization system; automated lift truck solutions for the warehouse of the future; and the Raymond Virtual Reality Simulator, a supplemental instructional tool that helps customers improve their operations and meet industry labor demands. Raymond also provides industry-leading customer support through a network of skilled technicians and its authorized Solutions and Support Centers. Raymond’s work in energy savings, space utilization, ergonomics, manufacturing quality and fleet optimization — combined with best-in-class products and services — work together to increase efficiency and lower costs throughout material handling operations.
iWAREHOUSE® and Raymond® are U.S. trademarks of The Raymond Corporation.
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