A Cost-effective Solution to Simplify Asset and Maintenance Management

  • iTRACK, fleet maintenance software, maintenance management

    iTRACK is an ideal introductory solution for any facility considering telematics. This wireless asset management system allows managers to easily gain visibility into what equipment is being utilized the best and which costs the most to operate. Minimize downtime by easily scheduling a technician when service is needed, directly through the web-based dispatch module.

    Looking to expand your telematics capabilities for additional insights into your industrial vehicle fleet and operators? iTRACK is easily scalable to include additional capabilities of iWAREHOUSE Evolution as your business needs grow.

Smarter Warehouse Asset Management

  • Request Service With Remote Dispatch

    When an issue arises, conveniently request technician service—from any vendor—via the web portal. Quickly access fleet availability, asset downtime and work order lifetime reports for visibility into aging and service costs.

  • Better Manage Equipment Costs

    Utilize iTRACK data and reports to identify issues and trends to drive down maintenance costs. What trucks do I have? Where are they? What's my top cost per truck? How much am I spending in repairs on this conveyor? ...shrink wrapper? ... dock door? What parts am I buying most often?

  • Leverage Your Dedicated Fleet Analyst

    A constant, experienced source of support to help you fully leverage the power of iTRACK. From helping you identify issues to recommending courses of action, your Fleet Analyst will get to know your business and tailor solutions to suit your specific needs.

  • Lower Costs With Actionable Data

    From the convenient web portal, proactively manage equipment with reporting that helps you take action on costly trends; retain, allocate, replace or remove assets; and assess cost per hour to identify under-utilized and cost-prohibitive assets.

  • Where and How Am I Spending My Money?

    Quickly see where and how you're spending your money on assets throughout your operations. Cost reports, accessible via the iWAREHOUSE GATEWAY web portal, help to determine cost drivers and expose other areas for potential cost savings in fleet administration.

  • Streamline With Consolidated Invoicing

    Enhance your maintenance tracking and simplify administration with consolidated invoicing. This feature provides electronic invoicing with full details of multiple assets, enterprise-wide.

Let's Get Started

Take the first step in your Raymond Lean Management journey. Fill out the form below to schedule your on-site “Gemba Walk” to assess all aspects—purpose, process, and people—of your operation.

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Company Information

Fleet Management Interests (optional)